The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame and Museum gratefully acknowledges the following organizations and individuals for their ongoing support...
The University of Winnipeg Wesmen are providing space for the Hall and for the storage of artifacts, photographs and memorabilia in perpetuity. The Hall is located on the mezzanine of the Duckworth Centre. It is open to the public during regular university hours and whenever there is a public function at the Centre.
Big Sky Enterprises of Headingly, Manitoba have graciously supplied the wood floor at the Hall of Fame's physical site at the University of Winnipeg.
Basketball Manitoba is covering various administrative services and costs, providing an annual grant and the hosting and maintenance of this website.
The University of Manitoba Bisons have been a financial supporter of the Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame.
The Manitoba Heritage Grants Program has generously supported the MBHOF with its purchase of the interactive computer kiosk located at the Hall of Fame at the University of Winnipeg.

Basketball Manitoba is covering various administrative services and costs, providing an annual grant and the hosting and maintenance of this website.

The Manitoba Heritage Grants Program has generously supported the MBHOF with its purchase of the interactive computer kiosk located at the Hall of Fame at the University of Winnipeg.
MBHOF Donors
The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and groups for their tremendous support!
The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and groups for their tremendous support!
- Al “Whitey” Carlson
- Al Sair
- Albert & Joan Glowicki
- Angie Straub (Johnson)
- Barbie Kuz
- Belaineh Deguefe
- Beth Cochran
- Bill (Sr.) & Jean Wedlake
- Bill & Ingrid Wedlake
- Bill Moody
- Bill Moore
- Bill Wright
- Bob & Barb Town
- Bob Kostiuk
- Brent & Anita Corrigan
- Brian & Diane Coughlin
- Brian & Esther Pallister
- Brian Smith
- Cam McGinnis
- Candace Hogue
- Carl & Bev Ridd
- Carol Ploen-Hosegood & Randy Hosegood
- Catherine Flower
- Christine Alexander
- Clint Harvey
- Coleen Dufresne
- Dale & Heather Bradshaw
- Darrell Drebinsky
- Dave & Joanne McNabb
- Dave Dryborough
- Dave Mills
- David Smith
- Dennis Alvestad Jr.
- Dennis Wilson
- Diana Dela Cruz
- Dick & Irene Bevan
- Don Kerr
- Don McLean
- Dr. Graham & Angela Zelmer
- Dr. H. Mitchell
- Dr. John Wright
- Dr. Karen Hurley
- Dru McCormick
- Duane Whyte
- Dwight MacNeil
- E. Brisky
- Edward Pollock
- Estelle Meyers
- Frances Bulloch
- Frank Kiraly
- George Birger
- George Oelkers
- Glen & Sharon Torgerson
- Glen Torgerson
- Gord Johnson
- Gordon & Mary Johnson
- Grant & Helen Alfonso
- Grant & Sandy Watson
- Grant Alfonso
- Greg & Jane Daniels
- Greg Southam
- Harvey Lipkin
- Hymie Fox
- Irv Hanec Legacy Fund
- J.E. Goodman
- James & Jacqueline Groat
- James Bulloch Jr.
- James Dark
- James Spack
- Jamie Simpson
- Jana Taylor
- Jeff Foreman
- Jerry & Gerry Ilchyna
- Jerry Hemmings
- Jerry Ilchyna
- Jim McKenzie
- Joan Sherman
- Joe DiCurzio
- Joe Ogums
- Joel Themmen
- John & Nancy Embry
- John Brown
- John Loewen
- John Taylor
- Jon Gurban
- Judy Moon
- Karen Strobel
- Kathy McPherson
- Ken & Laura Kelsch
- Ken & Linda Opalko
- Ken Galanchuk
- Kim Bertholet
- Kristina Farmer
- Kyla Shore
- Larry Marquardson
- Larry Wandowich
- Lee Hurton
- Lesley Hamerton-Divers
- Linda Dueck
- Lorie Stewart
- Lorissa Crellin
- Lorna & Allan Robertson
- Lorna Robertson
- Lynda Kidd-Chorley
- Margaret Kirstein
- Margaret Mulder
- Maureen Orchard
- Megan Johnson
- Michael Carroll
- Michael Hill
- Michael Skwark
- Mike & Cathy Spack
- Mitch & Eileen Baryluk
- Morley Rypp
- Morris Glimcher
- Nancy Hathaway
- Neil Wood
- Nellie Bagayewich
- Norm Froemel
- Pam Danis
- Paul Granovsky
- Penny Alcock
- Peter Bertram
- R.J. & Ruth MacKenzie
- Randy Kusano
- Richard & Irene Bevan
- Rick Lambert
- Rick Sokolowski
- Rick Watts
- Robert Hollinger
- Robert Thomson
- Robin Smythe
- Rod Peppler
- Ron Koskie
- Ron Meyers
- Ross & Brenda Wedlake
- Ross Turner
- Roy Williams
- Sandra Soke
- Sharon Brandow
- Sharon Campbell
- Stacy Hawash
- Stew Farnell
- Stuart Clark
- Susan Enns
- Tanya McKay
- Ted Fardoe (Canotech)
- Ted Stoesz
- Terry & Barbara Gotziaman
- Terry Burns
- Terry Garrow
- Terry Wolowiec
- Tim Ruppel (Ruppel Enterprises)
- Todd MacCulloch
- Tom & Grace Town
- Tyler Crayston
- Vic Pruden
- Vic, Doreen, Keith, & Kate Pruden
- Vicki Hooke
- Wayne Ruff
- Wendy Roscoe
- Basketball Manitoba
- Big Sky Enterprises
- Birchwood Automotive (Nick Laping)
- Brandon University
- Culture, Heritage & Tourism MB
- Fabris Milano Group
- Fontaine Electric
- Hoops Downtown
- Man. Assoc. of Basketball Officials
- Man. High Schools Athletic Assoc.
- Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame
- Robinson Lighting
- Sport Manitoba
- St. Andrews Super Saints
- University of Manitoba
- University of Winnipeg
- Wpg. Minor Basketball Assoc.
- Wpg. Senior Women’s Basketball
- Winnipeg Stellars
- Kildonan East Collegiate Carpentry
Along with many Anonymous donors!