The MBHOF is pleased to launch its new website and email newsletter in partnership with Basketball Manitoba. The new site includes a number of new features that help showcase and preserve the rich history of basketball in Manitoba. Some of the new features include...
- Full details on every Player, Team or Builder that has been inducted into the Hall since 1983.
- A new 'Induction Dinner' section featuring hundreds of photos from past induction dinners since 2001.
- A new 'Classic Games' section featuring over 80 full length basketball games which can be watch in their entirety going back into the 1940's
- A new 'Yearbook Collection' section featuring over 1000 pages of archived documents from old scrapbooks and newspaper clippings from stories basketball programs going back into the 1920's.
- A new 'Video Collection' section featuring footage from the last 3 induction dinners and a number of other rare footage connected to basketball in Manitoba.
- A new email based Hall of Fame newsletter to be used to keep the basketball community updated on the latest news.
- Detailed information on the MBHOF Museum located at the University of Winnipeg.
- Options to support the Hall through donations, both financially and with artifacts.
- Plus more content being added all the time!
Check out the new website at...