Greetings from your Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame. This is the second bulletin we have sent out to all inducted members and friends.
The email addresses were obtained from the past two induction dinners,
2005 and 2007. As to the latest news, there has been much activity at
our Hall of Fame, as follows :
All the best - have a great summer !
The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame today formally announced the
names of the players, builders and teams that will be part of the
Hall's induction class for 2009. The three Athletes include former
NBA player Todd MacCulloch, early 1990's
stand-out Andrea Hutchens and Brandon Bobcat star Jerry Abernathy from
the late 1970's. Those joining the Hall in the Builder category include
Mike Spack and Bob Hazell. The two teams being inducted are the 1996
Men's national championship team and the Warren Collegiate Wildcats
Varsity Girls 5 provincial championship teams ranging from 1992 and
1997. The group will be officially inducted into the
on Saturday October 3, 2009 at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg. The Hall
of Fame also officially unveiled the recently installed hardwood floor
renovation at the physical site located at the University of Winnipeg
Duckworth Centre
(400 Spence Street in Winnipeg). The upgrade comes as part of the very
generous donations by Big Sky Enterprises (Shawn Atamanchuk) of
Headingly, MB and Fabris-Milano (Rick Watts) of Winnipeg. The
basketball floor includes a history of the 'key' with three different
floor markings that the sport of basketball has used over the past 100+
years. Keep reading for more on the inductees and photos from the news
The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame will be holding a news conference to announce their 2009 honored inductees on Tuesday, May 12th, 2009 at 12:30 p.m. at the Manitoba Basketball Hall Fame located on the 2nd floor of the Duckworth Athletic Centre, University of Winnipeg, 400 Spence Street. The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame proudly displays the names of the past inductees and various display cases featuring
exhibits reflecting the glorious history of basketball in Manitoba. In addition to the announcement, there will be the official opening of the new hardwood floor which was installed at the Hall of Fame in early
May. This event is open to the public to attend. The official induction dinner is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg. Tickets to the dinner will be available shortly. For more information on the MBHOF or on the 2009 announcement...
For more information please contact:
Ross Wedlake, Chairperson
Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame
or visit
The 12th Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame Induction Dinner will take place on Saturday, October 3, 2009. Arrangements are well underway to make this another very special evening, not only for those to be inducted, but for all Hall of Fame members, and the basketball community, in general.
The details are as follows
We need your support ! Our Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame is, and will be, only as strong as its members. Our Hall of Fame weekend is scheduled only every second year and it is becoming something very special for our entire basketball community. We ask our members for their direct support, by buying a ticket and attending the dinner.
Cheques, made out to the Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame, should be sent to Basketball Manitoba, 200 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4M2.
We hope to see all of our members and friends “step up” and support our Hall of Fame. Please do your part – we are counting on you !
Yours in basketball ;
Ross Wedlake (Hall of Fame, 1996), Chair – Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame
The email addresses were obtained from the past two induction dinners,
2005 and 2007. As to the latest news, there has been much activity at
our Hall of Fame, as follows :
- Class of '09. At a May 12th media conference, we announced our 2009 inductees. They are Jerry Abernathy, Andrea Hutchens, and Todd MacCulloch as players, Bob
Hazell and Mike Spack as builders, and the 1995-96 Brandon University
Bobcats and the 1992-93, 93-94, 94-95, 95-96, and 96-97 Warren
Collegiate Wildcats Varsity Girls as teams. - Induction Dinner. Our 12th induction dinner will take place on Saturday, October 3 at the Victoria Inn on Wellington Street near the airport. Tickets are
$65.00 and will be available soon - more information to follow in the
near future. - New Floor. On that same day, we officially opened the new floor at our Hall of Fame.
We are very thankful to Big Sky Enterprises (Shawn Atamanchuk) and
Fabris-Milano (Rick Watts) for donating the materials and labour. It
looks great – drop by the U. of W. and check it out. - Online Donations.
The MBHOF now has the ability to accept secure online donations through
the National Sport Trust Fund and Sport Manitoba. All donations
over$50 will be eligible for a full tax receipt (as per CRA
guidelines). The donations we receive will all be funneled into the
enhancements at the Hall of Fame location at the U of W. Your help is greatly appreciated! - Funding Grant. We
also announced that we have received a grant from Culture and Heritage
Manitoba to assist us in the further implementation of our Design Plan
which has been developed for us by Candace Hogue. - Fundraising Bingos. As
part of that grant, we have been assigned two BINGO dates for which we
need seven (7) “volunteers to work. These are great money makers for us
and we do not want to do anything to jeopardize our status with
Lotteries Manitoba. Please check your calendars and, if you are
available and willing to help, please contact Ross Wedlake. Both are at the
McPhillips Street Station. If you have never done a bingo before, they
are very easy, can be fun, and you’ll be working with other Hall of
Fame people. Please help is you can. Thanks in advance. The dates are :
- Monday, August 24 – 4:00 – 6:45 P.M.
- Saturday, September 5 – 6:00 – 9:45 P.M.
All the best - have a great summer !
MacCulloch, Hutchens, Abernathy, Spack, Hazell, Part of '09 Induction Class |
The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame today formally announced the
names of the players, builders and teams that will be part of the
Hall's induction class for 2009. The three Athletes include former
stand-out Andrea Hutchens and Brandon Bobcat star Jerry Abernathy from
the late 1970's. Those joining the Hall in the Builder category include
Mike Spack and Bob Hazell. The two teams being inducted are the 1996
Men's national championship team and the Warren Collegiate Wildcats
Varsity Girls 5 provincial championship teams ranging from 1992 and
1997. The group will be officially inducted into the
on Saturday October 3, 2009 at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg. The Hall
of Fame also officially unveiled the recently installed hardwood floor
renovation at the physical site located at the University of Winnipeg
(400 Spence Street in Winnipeg). The upgrade comes as part of the very
generous donations by Big Sky Enterprises (Shawn Atamanchuk) of
Headingly, MB and Fabris-Milano (Rick Watts) of Winnipeg. The
basketball floor includes a history of the 'key' with three different
floor markings that the sport of basketball has used over the past 100+
years. Keep reading for more on the inductees and photos from the news
Hall Class of '09 Announced May 12, 2009
The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame will be holding a news conference to announce their 2009 honored inductees on Tuesday, May 12th, 2009 at 12:30 p.m. at the Manitoba Basketball Hall Fame located on the 2nd floor of the Duckworth Athletic Centre, University of Winnipeg, 400 Spence Street. The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame proudly displays the names of the past inductees and various display cases featuring
exhibits reflecting the glorious history of basketball in Manitoba. In addition to the announcement, there will be the official opening of the new hardwood floor which was installed at the Hall of Fame in early
May. This event is open to the public to attend. The official induction dinner is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg. Tickets to the dinner will be available shortly. For more information on the MBHOF or on the 2009 announcement...
For more information please contact:
Ross Wedlake, Chairperson
Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame
or visit
September 2008 Updates
To all members and friends of the Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame ;The 12th Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame Induction Dinner will take place on Saturday, October 3, 2009. Arrangements are well underway to make this another very special evening, not only for those to be inducted, but for all Hall of Fame members, and the basketball community, in general.
The details are as follows
- the induction dinner will be held at the Victoria Inn - Wellington Room, reserved tables of eight (8) will be available; tables will be designated for groups so you can sit with those you know ; our Basketball Hall of Fame is growing rapidly and we hope to have some interesting basketball memorabilia on display at the dinner ; in addition, we are planning some draws with some interesting prizes
- In the past two years, we have improved our website and added more
display cases. Wenow have an interactive computer kiosk in the hall
which allows visitors to access our website and other related websites.
Wehave also installed storage drawers under the cases which allow for
more regular rotation of our displays and updating our pictorial
display cards.
We need your support ! Our Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame is, and will be, only as strong as its members. Our Hall of Fame weekend is scheduled only every second year and it is becoming something very special for our entire basketball community. We ask our members for their direct support, by buying a ticket and attending the dinner.
Cheques, made out to the Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame, should be sent to Basketball Manitoba, 200 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 4M2.
We hope to see all of our members and friends “step up” and support our Hall of Fame. Please do your part – we are counting on you !
Yours in basketball ;
Ross Wedlake (Hall of Fame, 1996), Chair – Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame